Banana protein milkshake 


I like drinking this milkshake after my workouts.I used my hemp protein which is why it looks slightly grainy and greenish. I use bananas because it masks the protein’s bitter taste  really well. 

Ingredients (serves 2)

2 bananas 

2 1/2c almond milk 

4 tbs hemp protein 

1 tsp vanilla 

1 dash cinnamon 

2 tbs almond butter 


Blend all of the ingredients together and add ice cubes if you’re into that. 

pineapple & banana smoothie

 I decided make this smoothie with the fruit I had in my fridge and it turned out to be delicious! The special ingredient in this smoothie was the hemp protein. The hemp powder turn most drinks green. It gives smoothies a grainy texture  along with an earthy taste. It contains 20 amino acids including the 9 essential amino acids that are bodies can’t produce on their own. Hemp protein is among the best plant based proteins I have found because of the many health benefits it offers. 


2 cups diced pineapple

2 bananas

3 cups soy milk

1/4 cup coconut meat 

1/4cup passion fruit

2 tablespoons hemp protein 

Serves 2 people 

Place all of the fruit in the blender. Add milk and then hemp protein and blend to desired consistency. 

Roasted tomato &jalapeño spaghetti sauce

This is a healthy vegetarian spaghetti sauce recipe Chase and I came up with. It’s a little spicy but the sweetness from the tomatoes gives it a nice balance. Make it and enjoy!


  • 4 Tomatoes
  • 6 Sliced Mushrooms
  • 2 Jalapeños
  • Spinach
  • 5 minced garlic cloves
  • 1/4c chopped onion
  • 1tbs Basil
  • 8oz.Tomato paste
  • 4 Sundried tomatoes
  • 1/4c Milk
  • 1tbs Salt
  • 1tbs Pepper
  • 1tsp. Sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 250•F
  2. Place tomatoes, onion, and jalapeños on a pan and drizzle with olive oil.
  3. Sprinkle minced garlic, salt, pepper, and basil on top of veggies. Place pan in oven for 2 hours.
  4. Place everything in the blender and add the can of tomato paste. Blend to preferred consistency.
  5. Pour sauce into a pan and set stove to medium/low. Add mushrooms and sugar. Stir ingredients and cover with a lid until it simmers. Let it simmer without the lid for 30 minutes or until sauce thickens.
  6. Remove lid and add spinach and sun dried tomatoes. Mix until the spinach softens.
  7. Turn off the stove. Add milk and stir.